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Aims & objectives

Free confidential and
non-judgemental support.

Service run by women for women who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.

The aims of Greater Manchester Rape Crisis are:

  • GMRC aims to deliver on this vision by pursuing the following actions:
  • Encouragement of initiatives aimed at the prevention of sexual violence
  • Improve and expand the support and protection services available to women and girls who have survived rape and sexual abuse and, where necessary, promote the development of new services and facilities
  • Promotion of inter-agency co-operation, training and awareness of others active in the field
  • Provision of information about current services available via posters, leaflets, cards and directory and social media etc.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the service being provided in relation to equal opportunities

In order to fulfil these aims, the objectives of GMRC are:

  • to provide a service for women which includes telephone, one-to-one and group work support
  • to provide a telephone support service for supporters of survivors
  • to provide information and advice to other individuals and agencies
  • to provide training and talks to external agencies in the local community
  • to recruit volunteers
  • to provide adequate training, support and supervision for staff and volunteers
  • to monitor and evaluate service provision and policies on a continual basis involving staff, volunteers and women who use the service
  • to work with other individuals and agencies to further the aims of GMRC
  • to raise funds to meet the needs of the service
  • to identify areas of unmet need and take appropriate action

Want to support us in fulfilling our aims?

If you are interested in supporting GMRC, find out how to get involved by volunteering…

How to get in touch

Email us at: help@manchesterrapecrisis.co.uk

Call our office: 0161 273 4591

Call our helpline: 0161 273 4500

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