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Greater Manchester
Rape Crisis

You are not alone & you are not to blame.

We provide confidential support services for women who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.

Frequently asked questions

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Sexual abuse can be defined as sexual contact or activity which has not been consented to. It might include unwanted touching, threats of sexual violence, flashing or being forced to look at pornographic material.

The counsellors at GMRC are trained to listen carefully to women who have been affected by sexual violence, irrespective of when this violence happened. The counsellors will listen in a respectful and non-judgmental way, enabling you to explore your feelings at your own pace, and in your own time.

The relationship between the client and counsellor is based on confidentiality (except in certain circumstances where breaches have to be made) and trust. We aim to provide a supportive environment where you will not be judged or put under pressure to talk about anything that you do not want to.

The counsellors at GMRC are all experienced in listening to women affected by sexual violence, and they are either qualified counsellors or counsellors in their final year of training. Our counsellors will listen to you with respect and without judgement, irrespective of what you might say, and the counsellor aims to help you take more control of your life. However, each counsellor will have their own approach to counselling. Your counsellor will explain to you her particular way of working before you start a course of counselling.

At GMRC we offer 12 initial weekly sessions, each session lasting between 50 minutes and 1 hour. After 12 sessions you may feel that you would benefit from a longer-term counselling relationship and wish to continue. We can then offer a maximum of 26 weeks of counselling.

Counselling at GMRC is free. However, as we are a charity, we encourage donations.

Counselling is generally available during office hours Monday to Friday. There are few sessions available during the evening

Sometimes you may be at a point in your life where you do no feel ready to fully engage in counselling and the emotional challenges it may bring. Whilst we would always offer you an alternative counsellor, if you feel that your relationship is not working, it may be of benefit to you and your counsellor if you voice your concerns with your current counsellor. This may enable you to resolve your difficulties and find a way forward.

To access our counselling, you can ring our office on 0161 273 4591 or our helpline on 0161 273 4500 and we will arrange for you to come into our centre for an assessment. This is an opportunity for us to explain the counselling services that we offer, allow you to talk in more detail about why you are seeking counselling and also answer any queries you may have.

You have to be 18 to access counselling at GMRC. If you are under 18 you can still ring our helpline on 0161 273 4500; we will be able to tell you about other services which may be available to you.

The helpline is a confidential service, staffed mainly by volunteers, which offers advice, information and support to women who have experienced rape or sexual abuse. You can also ring the helpline for help and advice if you are supporting a friend or family member who has been raped or sexually abused. The helpline volunteers have a broad knowledge of services available to survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and may also be able to direct you to other organisations that can help you.

The helpline is open from 10 – 4pm, Monday to Friday, and from 6 – 9pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

I have been trying to ring the helpline and there is no reply. What should I do?
Our helpline is staffed mainly by volunteers, and there may not always be someone to answer your call. Please keep trying. If you feel comfortable, you can leave a message, and someone will ring you back as soon as possible.

If you do not get an answer, please leave your name and contact number and someone will call you back.

GMRC also offers informal support and advocacy to women who have experienced rape or sexual abuse. We may also be able to signpost you on to other organisations that can help you.

Have a question not answered?

Email us at: help@manchesterrapecrisis.co.uk

Call our office: 0161 273 4591

Call our helpline: 0161 273 4500

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